Types of wine fermentation
Types of wine fermentation

types of wine fermentation

The broad range of varying concentrations amongst different varieties is evidence of adaptation depending upon environment and immediate competition. It is is theorised that these compounds serve an evolutionary purpose in that they attract insects who in turn assist with pollination and birds and other animals who eat the berries and disperse the seeds.


Volatile aroma compounds are present in both the skin and the juice of a grape berry and vary in concentration dependent upon variety. The exact chemistry is intricate and extensive however, to avoid unnecessary confusion, we can in the most part attribute a wines aroma to alcohols, esters and volatile aroma compounds. Wine aroma is complex, multi-faceted and difficult to comprehensively map out. Fail at cap management, and you may well have failed the wine. Tannins, anthocyanins and flavour compounds, all essential to a wines character, are found in large quantities in grape skins and so varying methods of cap management will greatly alter a finished wine. Cap management also forms part of the winemakers desired stylistic preference. For this reason, winemakers must manage the cap. The cap can present a number of risks, a combination of acetic bacteria, the warmth of fermentation and oxygen could easily convert a vat to vinegar. During fermentation, yeast produce carbon dioxide, this carbon dioxide causes grape solids to rise creating what is referred to as a cap. In the case of red wine, the vessel used for fermentation, dependent upon winemaker preference, will also contain the skins, seeds and stems. In order to make wine, grapes must undergo alcoholic fermentation.

Types of wine fermentation